celebrating our 20th year serving the OUter banks!
Please be aware that fraudsters sometimes use our firm’s name and our firm lawyers’ names to try to scam innocent people. These scams may be initiated by email, telephone, text or U.S. mail.
Often, these individuals unlawfully use law firm names in scams involving counterfeit checks. These checks are mailed to unsuspecting victims and come with a request that the victim cash or deposit the check, immediately send most of the funds to a third party and keep the balance of the funds. Fraudsters can become quite demanding that the victim act quickly. When the bank determines the check is counterfeit, the victim may be liable for any funds the bank disbursed.
Email scams thrive on the Internet. Spoofing emails that appear to come from a reliable source, including Casey & Robbins, PC, may be used to induce the recipient to wire funds or otherwise transfer money to a fraudulent account. While we continuously monitor suspicious activity, the nature of “phishing,” “spoofing” and other fraudulent emails makes it impossible for Casey & Robbins, PC to prevent the unauthorized use of our name or our lawyers’ names.
If you receive a suspicious email, telephone call or other solicitation referencing Casey & Robbins, PC, a Casey & Robbins, PC lawyer or staff member, consider the following recommendations:
While Casey & Robbins, PC is aware that corrupt individuals may have used our firm name and our lawyers’ names to attempt to perpetrate criminal scams on innocent victims, the firm, our lawyers and staff are not responsible for a third party’s conduct or liable for damages caused by their conduct. For your security and protection, we ask that you be extremely vigilant when you receive any request for information or action that you think might be fraudulent, whether via email, phone, text or U.S. mail.
To report potentially fraudulent use of the name of our firm or firm lawyers,
email admin@nagsheadlaw.com or call Nanci Dawson at 252-441-4125.
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Website designed & managed by: Nanci Dawson ***
Material presented on the Casey & Robbins, PC website is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such.
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